Date 01 October 2020
Date 4 minutes
Date M&A

Missing Piece attracts new investor for next phase in growth

Missing Piece joins TSH, the leading group of collaborating Dutch ICT-outsourcing companies. As a part of TSH Missing Piece gets access to knowledge and permanent capital to shape it’s next phase in growth.

"Together with our team, we have expanded Missing Piece to what it is today and we want to further expand our successful and innovative approach."

Founders Marco van Dam and Lex de Bruijn started Missing Piece in 2007. The company has since its inception grown into the IT outsourcing specialist for the financial industry. Over the past 13 years, the highly committed employees of Missing Piece have successfully unburdened financial service providers, accountants and business service providers in all their ICT needs. Missing Piece is known for its innovative ICT solutions, specific market knowledge and the high quality of its services.

Lex de Bruijn: “Together with our team, we have expanded Missing Piece to what it is today and we want to further expand our successful and innovative approach. We have recently focused on further developing and renewing our concepts. For example, we launched MP3.1, an ICT solution including Office365 and Teams. In recent years, Missing Piece has invested heavily in its network and in innovative concepts that meet the needs of its clients in the financial services industry. I am proud that Missing Piece is the market leader in this segment, it is now time for the next growth phase.”

Marco van Dam: “By working together with other entrepreneurs within TSH, our services can be further expanded while the customer-oriented culture and approach of Missing Piece is fully preserved in the decentralized model. In addition, as a strong financial partner, TSH enables us to pursue acquisitions in addition to our organic growth.”

Strikwerda Investments (SI) is a family investment company that focuses on healthy, ambitious, medium-sized to large SMEs. It is a Dutch investment fund with a strong track record in the ICT sector. SI is the majority shareholder in the ICT outsourcing company TSH and will also become the majority shareholder in Missing Piece through this transaction. TSH has a long-term investment horizon and, in addition to the current strong organic growth, also wants to connect other leading ICT outsourcing companies within the group.

Matthieu van Amerongen: “Missing Piece is a great addition to TSH. I am pleased that experienced entrepreneurs such as Lex and Marco see added value in the cooperation with TSH. That is a sign to me that we are on the right track. We look forward to a successful and pleasant cooperation in the realization of the company’s further growth strategy.”

A substantial minority interest will remain in the hands of founders Marco van Dam and Lex de Bruijn, who will remain active within the company in their current role for a long time and will also use their knowledge and network for the further development of TSH. For customers, joining TSH as a partner for the next growth phase means that even more innovative solutions can be offered via Missing Piece in the future.